Acupressure headaches

There are many factors that can cause the development of headache symptoms. When this error occurs, the nervous system, over-voltage, brain injuries, brain injuries, and vertebral system, hormonal changes, and severe infections. The character of the pain signal that can stimulate a temporary deadlock or development is a dangerous disease of the body.

The primary short-term pain most people forgetting about the tools tries to remove painkiller, alternative methods without medicine – folk medicine, aromatherapy, reflexology, massage.

This massage of the reflex points to reduce pain quickly and effectively have the ability to head. That is why, the body will bring harm to the intake of chemical drugs, especially for women, breastfeeding and during pregnancy. In the latter case, the doctor must agree with the acupuncture method, like the effect some points can cause early labor.

How massage works

How massage works

Points technique massage (acupressure reflexology type. Masseur massages the reflex points and pressure or with the finger. As a result, active neuroreceptors in the subcutaneous tissues of the body and an acceleration sends information to the brain. Reaction to an irritating situation with a headache, the sensation of pain decreased or disappeared completely.

Surveyed at least 750 points on your stay active on the human body, a functioning organism responsible. Using the reflex points on 17 of them basic pain syndromes should be studied by lifting head, a migraine attack and the pain this tension.

It is not possible to visually determine the points. They look microscopic examination-shaped neuron there are a large number of clusters. The criteria for characteristic symptoms on body parts and exploring them with a special feeling. The features offered by the active when it is exposed the point person:

  • feeling pain or local прострелов;
  • radiant heat;
  • numbness the tissue in the vicinity of the point;
  • view the so-called "dithering";
  • a feeling импульсам such a weak electric current.

Find the corresponding reflex points to remove the primary headaches, it's a feeling that is described with confidence. But if he gains pain syndrome, permanent and accompanied by additional symptoms, consult a doctor immediately for advice and to finding the causes, symptoms,.

The point of the head headaches - facial and temporal

The point bass headache

The head on your stay in 8 basic reflex points, which leads to a reduction consolidation. headache.

  1. In the area above the nose on the point "the third eye" massage in a circular motion to each side.
  2. The symmetric point, the inner edges of располагающаяся, Nov. Caress necessary, a small indentation and massage in a circular motion at the same time the bones of the skull on each side of her.
  3. In point, symmetrically slightly higher edge finish Nov.
  4. A symmetric cavity with a small dot at the beginning of the coiling the auricle of the ear. Pressurized carried out on the effect it's easy.
  5. The point is, the auricle of the ear with the top edge on the top of head располагающаяся symmetric, massage in circular motions. To find him, starting at the position of the coiling point required to put the index finger, the ear, the ring finger above the set point in the outer edge, Nov, sought to be the middle finger reflex area.
  6. The deepening under the occiput point. Massage in circular motions without a strong push.
  7. Symmetrical spots of the muscles of the neck, fastening in place with the skull. Slight movements of soil exposure to the patient's pain or unpleasant experience it's a feeling.
  8. The point is the headache of head - crown of head and nape
  9. A delicate point in the crown. For him, it should be noted that ear shells and hold them up for placing the index fingers, the temporal with the crown-shaped hillocks. The point to be searched at the meeting place at the centre of the head, point fingers. Easy circular motions massage or pressure.

Point headaches, arm

Massage the reflex points in the hands to remove headache attacks with 3 symmetrically placed. The point is that the effect of the motion is required to achieve both hands, massaging them alternately.

  1. The contact point of the finger and thumb. Printing a small indent in this area: to edit a handful of from the outside the thumb of the second hand, interior – point the finger. Fingerprint разжать then pain greatly. The effect of this point is forbidden to be pregnant can cause premature birth.
  2. Your stay on the point, the cleavage between the two upper arm bones: radius and ulna. To find him, the wrist folds back an equal distance, the width of three fingers.
  3. The point of the elbow joint bend. The bent elbow and the edge of the arm Massage the outer folds.
  4. Points a headache in the hand

Point on foot for headaches

Basic allows you to remove the reflex points effect on headache, symmetric points in the feet. Massage in a circular motion or pressure at the same time, keep the patient in a comfortable position to sit.

  1. Just point the second finger is 2 mm high base nail.
  2. The point at the bottom of the fifth finger, on the outside of the little deepening.
  3. The point is located between the fifth and fourth finger. You need to find him a distance equal to the measure from the base of the finger cross-finger.
  4. Point 3 mm above base, nail, and slipped a little bit as an aside the first finger, the second finger.
  5. On the outer side and is indicated by the point of the foot between the first and second finger, two fingers on a floor above them, cross.
  6. The point stay on your side on the inner side of the foot near tibia of the highest points in the area of number. Required to massage caress a small indentation.


Though acupuncture in acute pain syndromes yield the existing disease and the patient's condition, in which he flatly denied. Aimed against the main indications are:

The point of the foot and the headache
  • According to Genesis place outside of localization and tumor development.
  • In general, chronic diseases (peptic ulcer, digestive organs, tuberculosis).
  • Infectious and viral diseases accompanied by high temperature.
  • Heart disease and blood vessels, heart attack and stroke.
  • Severe pathology of the internal organs of the decreased functioning.
  • During the acute phase of mental disorders.
  • Acute pain of uncertain nature and origin.
  • Age criteria: for children 1 year and people 70 years and older.
  • During the second half of pregnancy (during this period, acupressure can cause premature birth).
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • The menstrual cycle in women.
  • Alcohol poisoning.
  • Due to excessive workload heavy physical activity.
  • Метеоусловий dependency (not recommended for massage of the hotspots the sudden changing atmospheric pressure).

A series of massage during treatment for food and to restrict the execution of certain procedures. It is not recommended to get a hot tub and sauna, as well as consume spicy foods, strong Tea, Coffee, alcoholic beverages.

Harmony massaging experts and the primary tools will reduce the pain prescribed all indications of the character of the resulting head. If it does not have an effect or situation that makes it necessary for us to refer to compound to a point where experts and search for the cause disturbing headaches.